Search Greenwood
The searchable burial, reserve, and availability records for Greenwood Cemetery are now available online.
If you are asked for a user name or password, please use greenwoodguest for both. To navigate the records, once logged on, select Search. Enter the name to be checked. Click the search button, and the data line will show the portion of the cemetery (map), and the location of the burial (section, lot, grave).
At the top, click View Map. In the entry window, click the down arrow for the drop-down menu of Maps, and click the portion of the cemetery indicated in the data line from Search, and click Submit. The map will show each grave in the selected portion of the cemetery, color-coded to indicate the status of each grave:
Red spaces are occupied, blue spaces are purchased and reserved, yellow spaces are held but not purchased, and white spaces are available for purchase. Hover over any space, and a window will pop up giving the location and status of that space.
To orient the map, stand facing south, with the bay to your right. To find the location, count the number of rows east or west of a crossroad, and the number of spaces north or south of a main road.
Until we get a better map, click here for a sketch that will show the portions of the Greenwood and Crestview areas of the cemetery.